Sunday 30 October 2011

Why do I feel so tired?

Oh, I know, it's because my body clock is an hour ahead of my clock clock.  I wonder if anyone has computed the cost of this meaningless biannual ritual.  I have banged on about this year after year, inducing global stupefaction - but still they don't listen!  And now, I read, our government is going (no consultation, referendum, nothing like that) to convert us to Central European Time, so that ... oh, I'm too tired to go on deconstructing this idiocy.  Why can't they just accept that it gets dark in the winter and lighter in the summer, and we are where we are, in terms of the planet's rotation?  Get over it.


  1. I was wide awake at 05.00 this morning, stomach rumbling and desperate for a cuppa. My body was crying out, "It's time to get up, for goodness sake!" Curse the changing clocks.

  2. Yep. I've still got my shorts on which is confusing me. And others.

  3. The cat was prowling around hungrily hours before I got up today. She exaggerates so.

  4. Didn't they once stop changing the clocks for a few years? I suppose they must have had a reason for starting again. Probably the people who complained are the ones who had to get up early to take the kids to school, wow, glad I don't have that 7 AM winter start any more!

  5. Glad it's not just me! I've banging on about this for years, but they don't listen.

    Rog, I am still trying to delete that image from my mind ...

    Hello Jenny, thanks for the visit. Yes, they did, and they're at it again. It's a distraction ploy I reckon, I'm sure it always happens when there's an economic crisis or something.
