Sunday 21 February 2010

What is two divided by zero?

This question figured in a basic maths exam which 96% of primary teachers gave the wrong answer, the correct one being 'infinity'. Now this is obviously cobblers. But a letter to today's Observer claims that the right answer is 'there is no solution to this equation', and gives a persuasive argument to this effect - whatever you multiply or divide zero by, it remains zero.

I say double cobblers. The right answer is 'two'. 'Zero' is just notational shorthand for 'the absence of number', or 'nothing' if you prefer. 2 + nothing = 2. 2 x nothing = 2. I rest my case.

Any mathematicians out there?


  1. This is clearly a ghost of departed quantities. Thanks to George Berkeley.

    And if you get it wrong this can also cause big American ships to stop moving. (historical accidents)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry I really can't get the hang of this linking stuff. I think it should be

    But it seems you can't test the link in the preview. Unless you know differently. In which case please tell.

  4. The Wikipedia article makes my point very neatly, whilst reaching the opposite conclusion. Divide 10 apples amongst zero people - what are you left with? Ten apples, I humbly submit.

  5. Nah, it's not that simple. You can't divide 10 apples amongst zero people because who is left with the 10 apples? If you are the apple-owner & want to give the apples away to no-one, then you are still the one left with them, not the no-one. You'd have to destroy the apples to divide them amongst no-one, so the answer is thus no apples (zero). If you keep them you have divided the apples amongst one person - you.

  6. No it has to be infinity.
    What you forget is that maths is not logical. It's all in the mind of mathematicians.

  7. And if someone steals them before you have a chance to give them away?

  8. I like Rosie's idea best!! Anyway, is it important to the overall plan? I have got to the age where if I can't solve a puzzle within 10 minutes, I give up! Life is too short!
