… although it probably helps, if ‘here’ refers to the
American Psychiatric Association, which has just announced [DSM-5] a whole new
raft of mental illnesses, including over-eating sometimes, saying ‘no’ to your
parents whilst being a child, liking sex too much (possibly whilst being a
teenager), finding it hard to throw Stuff away, and having a strop over and
above your assigned quota.
I exaggerate for comic effect (EXFCE syndrome, probably),
but the serious point is that all these conditions are supposedly mainly rooted
in biology (genes, diet and so forth) and correctible by pharmaceutical means, rather
than environmentally rooted and correctible by listening and talking. Of course, the truth is, and always has been,
a mix of the two. Nature vs nurture, ho
hum. The debate rages, apparently.
Anyway, extensive research within my own imagination has
uncovered some as yet undiagnosed mental disorders:
OMM: Only Money Matters.
The belief that owning increasing volumes of the means of exchange
trumps every other measure of well-being.
A secondary complication is PPDM, Poor People Don’t Matter. The condition may well be hereditary.
MOAG: Must Own A Gun.
The concept that the only way to modify another’s behaviour is to kill
them. Prevalent in the Americas, but on
the increase everywhere. Either
environmental or not, depending on whether you take ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ to
be literal truth.
BLAT: Big Lies Are Truth.
Not new, but resurfacing in subtle, genetically or statistically modified
ADS: Austerity Deficit Syndrome. The capability to persist in self-destructive
activity because not to do so would be even more self-destructive. Actually, that one’s quite sane, isn’t it? So that means George Osborne is sane? Oh, I see my case collapsing …
No known medication exists for any of these (believe me, they’ve
tried them all), but a simple behavioural remedy is available, commonly known
as a vote.
How about TSRT? The Straight Republican Ticket.I hope you find a cure for it before the next round of voting!